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Dubai to Auckland flights

To book a cheap flight from Dubai to Auckland (New Zealand), compare prices of airlines operating flights on this route. Make use of the flight comparison tool to the left as well as the list of airlines below to assist in the search.

There are no direct flights on this route but indirect flight services are available from Emirates, Etihad Airways, Cathay Pacific and Singapore Airlines.

1-stop flights map of Auckland news Auckland accommodation comments

1-stop flights from Dubai to Auckland


Dubai (DXB) to Auckland Airport, New Zealand (AKL)

1-stop (18h05)
via Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane, Australia

Etihad Airways


1-stop (23h40m)
via Abu Dhabi, UAE (AUH)

Cathay Pacific


1-stop (18h25)
via Singapore (SIN)

Singapore Airlines


1-stop (18h25)
via Singapore (SIN)


The distance between Dubai's Airport and Auckland's Airport is some 14,200km.

Time difference between Dubai & Auckland

It is 8 or 9 hours later in Auckland (New Zealand) than in Dubai (United Arab Emirates).

United Arab Emirates

GMT + 4

New Zealand

GMT + 12
GMT + 13 from late September to early April

We suggest you set your watch to Auckland's time as soon as you board your flight as the earlier you begin acclimatising to the time zone the easier you will find the adjustment.

Map of Auckland with its Airport pinpointed

Video footage

Emirates A380 taking off from Sydney on 3 August 2009 on its way to Auckland.


01 Oct 2012

Emirates commences flights between Dubai and Auckland (New Zealand) via Melbourne, operated in an Airbus A380.

02 Feb 2009

Emirates starts operating 3 weekly A380 flights between Dubai and Auckland via Sydney on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays. "There is tremendous interest in the A380 in New Zealand and we have no doubt it will be a great success operating out of Auckland," said Chris Lethbridge, Emirates New Zealand Manager. Emirates' Boeing 777-200 will be used on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays; on the Auckland-Sydney-Dubai route.

May 2005

Emirates is now offering daily flights to Auckland via Bangkok and Sydney. EK418 leaves Dubai (DXB) at 9h00 and arrives in Bangkok at 18h10pm, flying onward to land in Sydney at 07h45, and in Auckland at 14h15.

Auckland accommodation

The Crowne Plaza Hotel, situated above the Atrium on Elliott shopping complex is favourite in the "City of Sails". Book one of the spacious and comfortable rooms on the top floors to enjoy beautiful views. The hotel is located in city centre and within walking distance of Queen Street (the main commercial street in Auckland) and the Sky Tower.


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