Flights from Dubai to Singapore
To find the cheapest flight from Dubai to Singapore, compare the airlines flying on this route with the help of our flight comparison tool (to the left of the page) as well as the list of the airlines' links to their online booking systems.
direct flight | 1-stop flights | map of Singapore | news | accommodation in Singapore | reader comments |
Direct flights from Dubai to Singapore
Dubai (DXB) to Singapore Changi International Airport (SIN) |
non-stop (7h10m) |
DXB to SIN |
non-stop (7h15m) |
The distance between Dubai and Singapore is some 5,840km.
1-stop flights from Dubai to Singapore
DXB to SIN |
1-stop (16h40m) |
DXB to SIN |
1-stop (12h15m) |
DXB to SIN |
1-stop (12h20m) |
DXB to SIN |
1-stop (13h50m) |
Time difference between Dubai & Singapore
It is 4 hours later in Singapore than in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Dubai |
GMT + 4 |
Singapore |
GMT + 8 |
We suggest setting your watch to Singapore's time as soon as you board your flight (the earlier you begin acclimatizing to the new time zone the better).
Map of Singapore with its airport pinpointed
01 Dec 2012 |
Emirates introduces a permanent Airbus A380 service to the route between Dubai and Singapore, increasing the passenger capacity by 46 percent. This decision is based on the strong client demand in both directions. |
18 Nov 2009 |
Cruise from Dubai to Singapore with Silversea Cruises, with the possibility of continuing on to Sydney, Australia. |
4 Nov 2009 |
Royal Caribbean International cruise from Dubai to Singapore aboard the Legend of the Seas. Ports of call are Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Bombay (Mumbai), India; Goa (Mormugao), India; Cochin (Kochi), India; Phuket, Thailand; Kuala Lumpur (Port Kelang), Malaysia; Singapore. |
Feb 2009 |
Emirates clocks up its 100,000th cellphone call in the sky with AeroMobile service on a Dubai to Singapore flight (EK404). |
Jun 1990 |
Emirates starts flying from Dubai to Singapore. |
Top blog postings about Dubai to Singapore flights
04 Mar 2008 |
Ben, Joe & Jamie survived some turbulence and an encounter with a Russian lady on their flight from Dubai to Singapore. Afterwards, they crashed at a hotel for 20 pounds a night. |
Singapore accommodation
The Fullerton Bay Hotel (popular)
Marina Bay Sands Hotel (The pool spans across the top of the resort's three hotel towers)
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