Dubai to Japan flights

There are multiple airlines flying on the route between Dubai and Japan, offering regular scheduled commercial flights to Osaka and Tokyo. The cheapest flight available can be found by making use of the comparison tools provided on this page.

Fly from Dubai to ...


Qatar Airways (1-stop),
Egyptair (1-stop),
Malaysia Airlines (1-stop),
Singapore Airlines (1-stop),
Turkish Airlines(1-stop)


Cathay Pacific (1-stop),
China Southern (1-stop),
Hainan Airlines (1-stop),
Malaysia Airlines (1-stop),
Qatar Airways (1-stop),
Singapore Airlines(1-stop)

Flight routes from Dubai to destinations in Japan

flight routes from Dubai to Japan

Map of Japan

Below you can view a map centred on Japan with the airports of the above mentioned destinations pinpointed. Find directions to locations within Japan by clicking on the provided link.


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